Our first holiday since well before COVID was great. Shame to be on the winter side of the fishing season but we still managed to enjoy ourselves and it even snowed!!! It was also Flint’s first holiday with us.

"We love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19 NIV)
Our first holiday since well before COVID was great. Shame to be on the winter side of the fishing season but we still managed to enjoy ourselves and it even snowed!!! It was also Flint’s first holiday with us.
Abby and I just spent a week in Indonesia visiting compassion projects and our sponsor children.
I was blown away by the impact of sponsoring children and by the huge investment (in time & resources) the local Churches make in running these programs. Sponsoring children through compassion really makes a difference and I encourage everyone who is able to at least sponsor one child.
Part of our trip included sight seeing with the team.
And some time in Singapore
3 kids, a camper trailer and 6,000 km’s to Uluru and back. A wonderful time of bonding, experience, fun, campfires, cold nights and lots of family love.
Last night the Parish of Stockton warmly welcomed myself and my family into their community. We are so blessed to be apart of such a lovely family and can not wait to see where God will take us.
I have being receiving various photos and messages today from Alison as she makes here way up to Casino on the train with the kids to visit my Mum for a few days. She would normally drive but has not being feeling the best this past week. So far it looks like it was a good choice as they appear to be having a blast! Food, craft and iPad’s!
A fantastic afternoon spent investigating what will soon be our new stomping ground.